
Vi Enterprising


Make your own unique, differentiated video

"Vi-Enterprising" provides cutting-edge functions that help companies in various industries to freely create videos optimized for sales, marketing, and customer management.

This is popular with many corporate customers as an innovative system that can immediately mass-produce video content optimized for customer business communication without the need for equipment-processing such as cameras/shooting.

Models, studios, and editors are no longer needed for publicity.

You can create your own in Vi-Studio in SR UNIVERSE

The best content studio
for business communication


PR, branding for individuals and businesses

Salesperson/Field Visitor

Customer management, building trust, and strengthening relationships

  • Promotional video for companies/organizations and individuals
  • Video for self-introduction during non-face-to-face communication
  • A video detailing the expertise/work process in it
  • Video portfolio that conveys beliefs and values for business
  • Video expressed by intensive, visual change from written content

Various lengths of video
can be produced according to the purpose

Length Examples of use
5 sec. A video business card that has an impact and arouses interest together
10 ~ 15 sec. Videos for company/product/service/personal introduction that captivate viewers
30 sec. Videos for company/productservice/personal introduction with key information
1 min. Company/product/service/personal introduction video with lots of informati

What if you could
use Virtual Human directly?

Although Virtual humans can only be used by highly skilled companies
With SR UNIVERSE's OOO, anyone can create content using virtual humans

Virtual Human Creative Studio

Virtual Human, TTS technology

When you write a script, it's converted to a human voice

Use virtual humans when models are needed

Face Transformation technology

Through the transformation of a virtual human face into your own face
Can be used for movies without shooting

Web studio without installation

Use on websites easily without installing any programs
